Joy’s Foundation

January 16, 2022
“[T]he eternal Son of God was a guest at a feast.”[1]  You could do worse than to have Jesus as a guest at your celebration.  I haven’t been sure how…

Good as His Word

November 28, 2021
Maybe you’ve heard the phrase “Put it in writing”?  Get it in black and white: not just words in the air, but something we can hold on to, show others—a…

The Limits of Our Discipleship

February 28, 2021
          Peter isn’t happy about what’s going to happen to Jesus.  Neither are we.  Suffer?  Killed?  Terrible!  Let’s be followers without the suffering.  In seminary, no one quite knew what…
Do you want to laugh?  Do you want to cry?  Maybe both?  If you have come to this Presbyterian church from another expression of Christian faith, you probably have figured…

Blessed Are Those in Christ

February 9, 2020
Jesus tells us the meek will inherit the earth. They will be the ones to enjoy the fulfillment of the promise when the new heaven and the new earth come.…