Faith Doesn’t Give Up

January 28, 2024
Walking along the beach is one of my happiest times.  What is it about that meeting place of water and land: the sound of the water?  The breeze?  The birds? …

Return to Me

December 24, 2023
Over these Sundays, I’ve been sharing with you what prophets of the Old Testament had to say about the one who was going to come.  He would be the fulfillment…

We Are the Church, Together

October 29, 2023
It’s not judging when one person says to another: that’s a really rotten thing you just did.  It’s not judging to say you’re hurting our relationship and you’re hurting yourself. …

Decisive Devotion

April 23, 2023
I suppose we each have a picture of how the church ought to be, including this little congregation of it.  No one’s picture looks just like the church as it…

Broken and Restored

April 6, 2023
This day is full with some of the fullest events of the New Testament.  Do we really need to bother with the Old Testament today?  Jesus is the New Testament! …

The Gift of Responsibility

November 13, 2022
There are no mañana disciples.  Peter gets it.  He would never be one of those!  Well, his heart is in the right place, but the problem is that his heart…
The number one reason for a decline in evangelism in the churches is the sum of all the others: resistant theological systems, changing culture, fear of offending, accepting the notion,…

Faith That We Are Chosen

February 6, 2022
Many are called but few are chosen (Mt 22:14).  Is this an ad for the Marines?  It’s not a really encouraging doctrine, at first glance.  How about everyone called and…

Let’s Go

February 7, 2021
          Lord-willing, we have Jesus in our church.  I think we do.  My aim, my desire, is that we are always putting Jesus Christ front and center in this church:…

Ask Him In

December 24, 2020
He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him.          If you’re around my age—probably not the best way to begin—you may remember some of…