Real Help for Real Need

June 12, 2022
          I want a church where real need can find real help; I believe that you want that, too.  When I preach, I aim to make the heart of my…

For Want of the Gift

December 24, 2021
Tonight is the perfect opportunity to receive Jesus.  Oh, not that!  If experience is trustworthy, there are some here this evening for whom church is not exactly a habit.  I…

He Didn’t Say No

September 5, 2021
Who’s up for a fifteen hour walk?  It’s about fifty miles from the Sea of Galilee to the city of Tyre, going northwest.  That’s almost to Eagle Lake.  The walk…

Learning with Jesus

March 21, 2021
          God sent Jesus to be our Redeemer, our Savior.  Redemption comes with a cost; payment must be made, satisfaction given.  The one wronged—God—must be satisfied.  I don’t have the…

Ordinary Light

January 10, 2021
          God created.  There is so much wonder and joy, power and glory in those two words.  I have no way to unpack that here, today, in this hour, but…

Expectation and Surprise

November 29, 2020
          Perhaps there are times when it seems, feels, like my preaching gets preoccupied with fallen humanity—those are the times, I guess, when it sounds like I’m ranting, judging, condemning,…
Do you want to laugh?  Do you want to cry?  Maybe both?  If you have come to this Presbyterian church from another expression of Christian faith, you probably have figured…