The most inconvenient part of our faith isn’t having to gather here on Sundays or listen to me preach, tedious though that can be.  The most inconvenient part of our…
When I began attending church twenty-two years ago, I’m not sure I knew what I was expecting.  I just had this inner sense—whispering, nudging—that God wanted me to go to…

What’s Happening

February 4, 2024
“They went to Capernaum, and when the Sabbath came, Jesus went into the synagogue and began to teach” (1:21).  From the shores of Galilee, Jesus and his four new disciples…

More Than Mourning

July 2, 2023
In Boston in 1770, Perez Morton penned these words: “When Jesus wept, the falling tear in mercy flowed beyond all bound.  When Jesus groaned, a trembling fear seized all the…

Yes, I Will

March 12, 2023
I was astounded that Gepetto, Figaro, and Cleo could survive inside the whale.  It was awfully spacious in there, though.  If you were in church nursery about the time I…

Watch, Wait, Work

January 1, 2023
I like to try to keep up with what’s going on in your lives.  I love to rejoice with you.  I also want to be there for you, with you,…

In Our Time of Waiting

December 11, 2022
“Be patient, then, brothers and sisters, until the Lord’s coming” (5:7).  Easy for him to say.  A sense of helplessness can make it hard to wait; so, too frustration, and…

Christ For You

December 4, 2022
There was a man who never knew his grandfather.  Many years before, this grandfather, knowing his grandson would barely remember him, wrote a letter.  He tried to tell his newborn…

The Light Rises

November 20, 2022
God’s Word concludes with a beginning.  It seems fitting to conclude our time with Luke, to conclude this liturgical year, with words from the beginning of Luke’s telling of the…

Asking at Midnight

September 25, 2022
Growing up, I’d sometimes ask my father for some money.  He didn’t often have much, but I don’t recall him ever saying no.  Later, when I was away at college…