The most inconvenient part of our faith isn’t having to gather here on Sundays or listen to me preach, tedious though that can be.  The most inconvenient part of our…

Now Is the Time to Feast

March 3, 2024
Something called intermittent fasting seems to be a thing.  There may be something to it.  Humans have been finding value in fasting, especially spiritual value, for a very long time. …

Tell His Story

August 27, 2023
But we’ve always done it that way.  What is that tried-and-true definition of insanity: repeating the same actions while expecting a different result?  Because Jesus did not do the things…

Pray for Who?

July 10, 2022
At some point, you may have wondered why we do church the way we do.  If you worship elsewhere when you’re on vacation—I hope you do!—you’ve noticed that different churches…

Not What You Know but . . .

February 13, 2022
Between what we last heard from Luke and what we just heard, Jesus has performed additional healings, called additional disciples, and established that he is the Lord of the Sabbath:…
I dread getting God’s Word wrong.  In the interests of full disclosure, this proclaimer of God’s Word also dreads parts of God’s Word.  There are parts that seem hard to…

Liked to Listen

July 25, 2021
God’s Word of hope is persistent, dogged; it can’t be stopped, silenced, or driven out.  That doesn’t mean the powerful of the earth will not try to eradicate this holy…
          “Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God.  Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God” (4:7).  Everyone who loves.  Well, then.  If someone…