If Jesus is always teaching, he is also preparing his followers.  He has something he’s asking them to do, wants them to be doing.  In much of the first part…

Show and Tell

April 7, 2024
For the past two Sundays, our hearts have been turned—gloriously, graciously turned—to the observance and celebration of the biggest week of our church year.  Back on March 17th, the last…
The most inconvenient part of our faith isn’t having to gather here on Sundays or listen to me preach, tedious though that can be.  The most inconvenient part of our…

Doors Not Walls

February 18, 2024
No one gets to Jesus in just the same way.  Am I going to tell Jesus, “Lord, that’s not how I’d do it”?  If people bring someone to Jesus in…

What’s Happening

February 4, 2024
“They went to Capernaum, and when the Sabbath came, Jesus went into the synagogue and began to teach” (1:21).  From the shores of Galilee, Jesus and his four new disciples…

Water, Tree, Word

December 31, 2023
It’s hard to know what to make of Revelation.  It can feel daunting, and not just because there’s so much going on, so many things to try to keep track…

Notice and Care

September 17, 2023
It’s Scottish pastor, Bible student, and professor William Barclay, again, who writes of the ability to choose to be loving.  We have this ability as a gift in Christ through…

Holy Help

September 10, 2023
Poor Jimmy Carter.  You just know there’ll be trouble when you get interviewed for Playboy magazine.  Why would anyone agree to that interview?  Back in 1976, Carter mentioned—confessed—to the reporters…

Holy Boldness

April 30, 2023
One thing I can guarantee you: if you follow Christ, it’s eventually going to get you in trouble.  There are many in situations of authority and influence who do not…

In God’s Abundance

September 4, 2022
Jesus sent the apostles out with authority to cast out demons and to heal.  Oh, how we’d love some healing, just now.  Can you feel the need for it, out…