Faith Doesn’t Give Up

January 28, 2024
Walking along the beach is one of my happiest times.  What is it about that meeting place of water and land: the sound of the water?  The breeze?  The birds? …

Return to Me

December 24, 2023
Over these Sundays, I’ve been sharing with you what prophets of the Old Testament had to say about the one who was going to come.  He would be the fulfillment…

Change Is the Blessing

February 12, 2023
Over these several weeks since the end of the Christmas season, we’ve been exploring the first part of what Paul wrote to the believers in Corinth.  That was an exciting…

Glorify the Name of the Lord

November 3, 2019
Paul speaks of the people who belong to God and to the Lord Jesus Christ (1:1). Have you thought much about belonging to God? In Jesus Christ, we are people…