Glorify the Name of the Lord

November 3, 2019
Paul speaks of the people who belong to God and to the Lord Jesus Christ (1:1). Have you thought much about belonging to God? In Jesus Christ, we are people…

Examples of Patience

September 15, 2019
          Being a follower of Jesus Christ can be demanding. We feel worn out just living for ourselves! To live for others can feel even more exhausting, before we even…

The Gravity of Grace

July 21, 2019
Millions want to know God.  Knowing God isn’t easy.  There is so much around us and within to distract us, deflect us.  That desire is still there, though.  What is…

The Company of Friends

April 18, 2019
“You do not know now what I am doing, but later you will understand.”  Life happens, and we wonder what God is up to.  What is He thinking?  There is…

Our Story, Too

March 10, 2019
Over these next weeks, we are our way with Jesus to the Last Supper, the cross, and to the empty tomb beyond that cross.  Today, we hear about this ancient…

Delightful Grace

December 24, 2018
Many people do not know Jesus.  Many, even today, because they have not heard of him.  Many others because they do not care to know him.  They don’t see why…

Tidings of Comfort and Joy

December 23, 2018
Though you are small, I will bring forth great things from you (5:2).  This is what God is saying.  Encouragement for Bethlehem.  Encouragement for Bethel.  Words of encouragement for every…

Preparing Ourselves

December 2, 2018
We are preparing ourselves for the days.  Being prepared is not a matter of externals.  Do you have your jumper cables in your trunk?  How about flares?  Anybody keep flares…

Ultimate, Final

November 25, 2018
Every so often, our Scripture reading brings us to Revelation.  We call it a book; it’s much closer to a vision, a dream.  Some think nothing of dreams; others believe…

Purifying Discipleship

September 30, 2018
Woe to the one who causes one of mine to stumble, to sin (9:42).  Woe to that culprit especially if he or she is also one of mine!  I don’t…