The Life That Is Truly Life

August 28, 2022
Corpus Christi is a hot place.  When we lived there, I saw what amazed me: a man, walking.  It wasn’t once or twice.  I saw him nearly every day, walking…

Godliness with Contentment

August 21, 2022
We’ve been reading our way through 1 Timothy.  Timothy was in Ephesus, trying to get some things straightened out in the church there.  If we think of Ephesus at all,…

Foundation and Pillars

August 7, 2022
Those ancient builders in Greece and Rome really knew what they were doing.  No, the roofs are no longer there, but the foundations remain, and many pillars.  Lots and lots…

Pray for Who?

July 10, 2022
At some point, you may have wondered why we do church the way we do.  If you worship elsewhere when you’re on vacation—I hope you do!—you’ve noticed that different churches…

The Limit of Our Giving

February 20, 2022
We’re all just doing the best we can, day by day, though that’s not all that Christians are doing.  We’re doing that, too, but we’re also learning to do something…

Not What You Know but . . .

February 13, 2022
Between what we last heard from Luke and what we just heard, Jesus has performed additional healings, called additional disciples, and established that he is the Lord of the Sabbath:…

Prayer and Men of Prayer

September 22, 2019
How are we supposed to do church? How are we supposed to be church? Those are good questions, even though we are nearly two thousand years into this. We have…