Striving for Thriving

March 6, 2022
This purple season of Lent began in the early centuries of the church as a time of preparation and for refocusing upon our discipleship.  That isn’t just for Lent.  It…

Know My Name

December 26, 2021
“My people will know my name” (52:6).  Did they not know His name?  What is God’s name?  God?  Jehovah?  Just to be clear, it isn’t Jehovah.  Jesus?  Yes, His name…

All for You

November 7, 2021
If you were to take everything in your bank account right now and give it to God, how would you survive the rest of the day, let alone the rest…

God’s Great Purpose

August 1, 2021
Ever hear of the Wheel of Fate?  Does it turn on the same axle as the Wheel of Fortune?  I’d like to buy an IOU.  Fate, Fortune—something out of our…

Learning with Jesus

March 21, 2021
          God sent Jesus to be our Redeemer, our Savior.  Redemption comes with a cost; payment must be made, satisfaction given.  The one wronged—God—must be satisfied.  I don’t have the…

Grace Out of His Fullness

January 3, 2021
          Who will receive him?  Who will welcome him in?  Go from our worship gathering today with the expectation of this question on your lips and in your heart.  We…

Ask Him In

December 24, 2020
He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him.          If you’re around my age—probably not the best way to begin—you may remember some of…

Forgive to Live

September 13, 2020
          “For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.  But if you do not forgive others…