Let Me Be Your Servant

April 1, 2021
          How solemn and holy, how intimate and joyous, the Passover!—celebration of freedom, God’s power to set free, claim, and keep His own in the face of all the angry…
All Glory, Laud and Honor          Christians have been singing “All Glory, Laud and Honor” since 1861.  The words, though, go back to the ninth century, the 800s, to a period…
          Paul wants us to live with concern for the discipleship of others.  This is part of a larger discussion of the uses and abuses of freedom.  We have been…

Successful Faith

January 24, 2021
          It’s been two thousand years; the time is always short.  Our time is short.  We have less than we had; we don’t get more.  Instead of that being a…

Use, Don’t Abuse

January 17, 2021
          About all I remember of high school health class was sex education, trying to remember and write down what I ate in a week, and a film about a…

The Way of Comfort

December 6, 2020
          Though it was not a Sunday and the church was not open, the grieving widow called the pastor, asking if he would open the church for her.  She needed…


May 17, 2020
An advocate to help us and to be with us forever.  Help.  Forever.  You know this word advocate: someone who speaks up for you; someone who is on your side. …

Peace with God

April 14, 2019
“Rejoice greatly, O daughter Zion!  Shout aloud, O daughter Jerusalem!  Lo, your king comes to you; triumphant and victorious is he, humble and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the…