“What is truth?”  Oh, it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble.  In Jesus Christ, Superstar, what Pilate goes on to say has always stuck with me: “We all have truths! …

Power, Promise, People

March 28, 2024
“On the first day of the Festival of Unleavened Bread, when it was customary to sacrifice the Passover lamb, Jesus’ disciples asked him, ‘Where do you want us to go and…

Rest in Christ

March 10, 2024
The Sabbath was God’s gift, God’s blessing for His people.  The one thing you do not do, then, is fail to honor and respect the gift.  That would dishonor the…

The Problem of Listening

February 14, 2024
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.  Those are funeral words, graveside words, goodbye words.  I’ve baptized many, marking them with water.  Today, I mark you with ashes.  Nothing in Scripture…

Where It Begins

January 7, 2024
Mark’s version, church tradition tells us, is based upon Peter’s recollection.  Mark was secretary and personal assistant to Peter in his last years.  Mark’s—Peter’s—account begins, not with a genealogy, nor…

Broken and Restored

April 6, 2023
This day is full with some of the fullest events of the New Testament.  Do we really need to bother with the Old Testament today?  Jesus is the New Testament! …
Over these weeks taking us to Pentecost, as I’m reading the Acts of the Apostles, I’m considering Thom Rainer’s insights regarding a noticeable decline in evangelism.  Acts is like our…

When God Sings

December 12, 2021
“All the wrongs you have done to me” (3:11).  Oof.  Did you pick up that God is speaking here to His own?  God says He will remove.  He will purify. …

Love and Learn

August 29, 2021
Until today, I’ve never preached on the Song of Solomon.  I remember hearing only two sermons on this love song, only one of which was in church.  That was nearly…


April 2, 2021
          Jesus allows himself to be bound—the one bound by nothing.  In his binding we are being set free.  You were bound; maybe you remember.  We can feel as if…