When I began attending church twenty-two years ago, I’m not sure I knew what I was expecting.  I just had this inner sense—whispering, nudging—that God wanted me to go to…
The Offering of Common Kindness—Mt 25:31-46 In the age of cellphones, it’s even easier to pass by people who may be in need.  Surely, they have phones too.  Surely, there’s…

Decisive Devotion

April 23, 2023
I suppose we each have a picture of how the church ought to be, including this little congregation of it.  No one’s picture looks just like the church as it…

Witnesses to the World

April 16, 2023
The world seemed awfully vast and rather hostile to those eleven men on their way to Galilee.  What did Jesus want to say to them there?  What did he want…

Favorability Poll

January 22, 2023
The church, the fellowship of Christ, is called out of Corinth.  The church is in Corinth.  That’s a sure formula for confusion and conflict.  We can tolerate disagreement in church. …

In the Fellowship of Christ

January 15, 2023
Over these next few weeks, we’ll be listening to what Paul is saying in the early part of his letter.  There are a few things to keep in mind about…

Watch, Wait, Work

January 1, 2023
I like to try to keep up with what’s going on in your lives.  I love to rejoice with you.  I also want to be there for you, with you,…
          I’ve spoken of purification, obedience, and rejecting the world.  We reject the world when we say Yes to Christ and No to the panorama of alluring sins in vogue…