It Is Finished

March 31, 2024
“[W]hen the sabbath was over” (16:1), the women bought what they needed to finish the unfinished burial rites.  They couldn’t finish!  The law made them unable to finish.  The traditional…

Doors Not Walls

February 18, 2024
No one gets to Jesus in just the same way.  Am I going to tell Jesus, “Lord, that’s not how I’d do it”?  If people bring someone to Jesus in…
I shall not be moved.  This psalm doesn’t use those words, yet that’s the sense of this song of praise.  If God is for us—and He is—who can successfully be…

I Will Be with You

January 9, 2022
God created us for a purpose.  There is a reason you and I are here: here on this earth, here in this church this morning.  The reasons are connected.  Through…

When God Sings

December 12, 2021
“All the wrongs you have done to me” (3:11).  Oof.  Did you pick up that God is speaking here to His own?  God says He will remove.  He will purify. …

The Sin Not the Sign

November 14, 2021
The Temple, Herod’s Temple, was built to make an impression.  When architects build to impress, they think about how best to do that.  Size is one factor, the scale.  The…

Love and Learn

August 29, 2021
Until today, I’ve never preached on the Song of Solomon.  I remember hearing only two sermons on this love song, only one of which was in church.  That was nearly…