Faith Doesn’t Give Up

January 28, 2024
Walking along the beach is one of my happiest times.  What is it about that meeting place of water and land: the sound of the water?  The breeze?  The birds? …

Tomorrow, Tomorrow

October 15, 2023
Without food, we won’t last long.  If we understand that, how much more people in the days of Jesus, when crop failures and famines were real things?  Though the Roman…

Pray for Forgiveness

October 1, 2023
“It will always help us if we regard this world as organized not for our comfort but for our training.”[1]  So says our friend William Barclay.  The old saying was…

Life without Judgment

August 13, 2023
“Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness.”  Well, I don’t know of anybody being persecuted for unrighteousness.  In Calgary, Alberta, there are some three thousand people living on…

Yes, I Will

March 12, 2023
I was astounded that Gepetto, Figaro, and Cleo could survive inside the whale.  It was awfully spacious in there, though.  If you were in church nursery about the time I…

The Foundation of Faith

February 5, 2023
We must be wise and carefully consider our words.  Let’s remember that no one comes to Christ as Savior through human wisdom or potent rhetoric.  There were those coming out…

Watch, Wait, Work

January 1, 2023
I like to try to keep up with what’s going on in your lives.  I love to rejoice with you.  I also want to be there for you, with you,…

The Light Rises

November 20, 2022
God’s Word concludes with a beginning.  It seems fitting to conclude our time with Luke, to conclude this liturgical year, with words from the beginning of Luke’s telling of the…