Show and Tell

April 7, 2024
For the past two Sundays, our hearts have been turned—gloriously, graciously turned—to the observance and celebration of the biggest week of our church year.  Back on March 17th, the last…

The Gift of Light

February 19, 2023
On this day of mystery and glory Christ turns his face toward Jerusalem and all that will happen to him, there.  From Paul, we turn to listen to Peter.  Paul…

I Will Be with You

January 9, 2022
God created us for a purpose.  There is a reason you and I are here: here on this earth, here in this church this morning.  The reasons are connected.  Through…
          “Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God.  Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God” (4:7).  Everyone who loves.  Well, then.  If someone…
We make progress in love together in Christ.  When love is returned in kind, the obligation of love is not burdensome.  Where love is not returned, any thought of obligation…