Some young people leave home and never look back.  Once you leave, you can’t go back because home isn’t there anymore.  My family and I…

A Proclaiming Spirit

December 27, 2020
          Simeon and Anna are the closest thing Jesus has to grandparents, and what grandparents!  Both are at the Temple.  Though it was my parents who first took me to…

A Spirit of Invitation

January 19, 2020
Twice in as many days, John the Baptist points to Jesus: “Look, the Lamb of God!” (1:29, 36). Lambs had one purpose in Israel’s relationship with God. We delight in…

Light in the Darkness

December 1, 2019
What a glorious, happy day that will be, when people seek out the church, seeking God and knowledge of God. Some people do just show up; they find us. This…
Before Paul and Timothy arrive in Philippi, they had tried to make Jesus known in a couple other places.  Luke tells us “the Spirit did not let them” (16:6, 7). …


March 31, 2019
For quite some time, Christians didn’t need to think very much about their faith and beliefs.  Yes, sure, society and culture were fallen, but in impersonal ways that didn’t touch…

A Crown for the Lord

January 20, 2019
These words of Isaiah are a poem, a song, a prophecy of hope.  The hope is for Jerusalem; Jerusalem, here, is not simply a city, a spot on the map. …

Be a Hold Out

November 18, 2018
It would have been hard not to be impressed by the temple Herod built in Jerusalem.  It was built to impress.  Some of you have had the opportunity to travel…

Rejected and Sent

July 8, 2018
In the Gospel accounts, people are always being amazed by Jesus.  Even Pontius Pilate is amazed at Jesus, though not for quite the same reasons as others.  We hear this…