Opportunity and Promises

November 19, 2023
Jesus came to call people to follow, to believe and follow: only believe, just follow.  If they weren’t sure whether they believed, Jesus told them to follow and see.  “Trust…
Paul’s first letter to Timothy is a reminder—a plea—to the church to stay focused on advancing, making progress.  The church makes progress as it holds fast to the Word of…

I Will Be with You

January 9, 2022
God created us for a purpose.  There is a reason you and I are here: here on this earth, here in this church this morning.  The reasons are connected.  Through…
          What is world-born is world-bound; what is Spirt-born is heaven-bound.  With Jesus, the spirit-born are called to live differently from the world-born.  Scottish pastor and biblical scholar William Barclay…
We make progress in love together in Christ.  When love is returned in kind, the obligation of love is not burdensome.  Where love is not returned, any thought of obligation…