Inside Out

June 2, 2024
“Of what terrible things is the human heart the source!  From self flow impurity, dishonesty, wickedness, knavery, deceit, lust, haughtiness, blasphemy, senselessness, and everything that is evil.  These things are…

Yes, I Will

March 12, 2023
I was astounded that Gepetto, Figaro, and Cleo could survive inside the whale.  It was awfully spacious in there, though.  If you were in church nursery about the time I…

What Faith Does

March 20, 2022
David in the desert of Judah: a dry, desolate place.  Why was the favored one, the man after God’s own heart, in such a God-forsaken place?  He was wanted, dead…

Striving for Thriving

March 6, 2022
This purple season of Lent began in the early centuries of the church as a time of preparation and for refocusing upon our discipleship.  That isn’t just for Lent.  It…

The Language of the Soul

November 15, 2020
          The prediction business is deeply flawed, because we are deeply flawed, and our wishes easily worm their way into our predictions.  Scientists have long understood that the presence of…