Be a Hold Out

November 18, 2018
It would have been hard not to be impressed by the temple Herod built in Jerusalem.  It was built to impress.  Some of you have had the opportunity to travel…

Purifying Discipleship

September 30, 2018
Woe to the one who causes one of mine to stumble, to sin (9:42).  Woe to that culprit especially if he or she is also one of mine!  I don’t…
This week, we get another perspective on part of what I read and preached on last Sunday.  Then, we heard from St. Mark, a later companion of Peter.  Scholars are…
As Mark tells it, crowds are gathering even before Jesus arrives.  People are gathering, expectantly, eagerly, excitedly, because they hear that Jesus is going to be there.  I hope we…
When You Follow, You Will See Him—Mk 16:1-8 We know the names of the three women.  We know their names because the earliest Christians knew these women.  They could ask…