When Jesus takes time to explain things, it’s time to listen and reflect, not listen and reject.  Jesus begins to explain what will happen (16:21).  Peter doesn’t like it.  Well,…

Something More Than a Fish

January 26, 2020
In Matthew’s timeline, Jesus has just returned from his time of temptation in the wilderness. We’ll get to that in about a month. In the meantime, John had been taken…

A Spirit of Invitation

January 19, 2020
Twice in as many days, John the Baptist points to Jesus: “Look, the Lamb of God!” (1:29, 36). Lambs had one purpose in Israel’s relationship with God. We delight in…

Abide in Obedience

November 17, 2019
Second Thessalonians is short. When I first read through the Bible, it was a real relief finally to get to books that were two pages long. Though brief, this letter…

Want Jesus Most

September 8, 2019
Well, our translation says unless we love Jesus more (14:26). You may remember that Jesus says hate: unless you hate your parents, spouse, children, and life itself, you can’t be…
I pastored a church in Illinois, right out of seminary. A fellow pastor in that presbytery served two congregations. Those of you who remember Rev. Swinney remember that sort of…
Saul didn’t know Jesus.  Blind, thrown down in the dust there on the road, Saul calls the one speaking to him Lord (9:5): whoever is speaking to him has authority…

The Company of Friends

April 18, 2019
“You do not know now what I am doing, but later you will understand.”  Life happens, and we wonder what God is up to.  What is He thinking?  There is…

Let Down Your Nets

February 10, 2019
[With thanks to Leslie Leyland Fields, and Chapter Four of her Crossing the Waters: Following Jesus through the Storms, the Fish, the Doubt, and the Seas (2016).] I don’t ordinarily…