“Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth” (5:5).  I’ve said before, I’ll say again: I do not like this word meek.  I suppose no one wants meek…

The Rock in the Wilderness

February 21, 2021
          Jesus emerges.  He emerges from the bright, cool waters of the Jordan; he emerges from the hard, dark tomb.  He reaches through the twilight of our confusion, our sorrow,…
          Jesus came to do many interwoven things.  Jesus came for one reason.  We get it when people aren’t interested in Jesus despite our efforts—half-hearted or whole-hearted—our attempts to share…

Away, Astray, or Stay?

August 26, 2018
There are places in the Bible where I read and say, “no, no, that’s too much!”  Too hard.  I feel like closing the book, right there; I don’t want to…