A Love Worth Sharing

June 4, 2023
It’s not hard to think of biblical lands as wilderness and wasteland: Big Bend as far as the eye can see, but remember that the land God promised His people…

Not Our Power

September 18, 2022
It doesn’t exactly feel as if my demons have submitted yet, but maybe they just want me to think they haven’t.  The truth is they’re done.  They’ve lost.  They aren’t…

Reverence and Providence

August 15, 2021
I will extol the Lord (111:1).  “Lift up your voice, now lift up your voice!  Great is the Lord!”  Extol.  Praise.  Maybe we don’t spend enough time here praising God,…

Teaching for Life

March 7, 2021
          The psalms offer great encouragement and wise words of caution.  The psalms give voice to our feelings of joy and sorrow; they are heartfelt prayers, helping us to cultivate…

Ordinary Light

January 10, 2021
          God created.  There is so much wonder and joy, power and glory in those two words.  I have no way to unpack that here, today, in this hour, but…

The Gravity of Grace

July 21, 2019
Millions want to know God.  Knowing God isn’t easy.  There is so much around us and within to distract us, deflect us.  That desire is still there, though.  What is…