Have you ever been put in jail?  Wait—don’t answer!  Well, if you have, I guess you know the awful feeling that comes with that clank as the barred door locks. …

Serving Well

July 31, 2022
elder          When Paul was writing, there were no church buildings, only home churches.  Let’s all meet at my house next Sunday!  Well, we’d be squeezed in,…
          Jesus came to do many interwoven things.  Jesus came for one reason.  We get it when people aren’t interested in Jesus despite our efforts—half-hearted or whole-hearted—our attempts to share…

“Who Am I, to Judge?”

February 24, 2019
Love your enemies.  Jesus phrases the matter strongly to make a strong point, a holy point.  Enemies oppose us because of what we believe.  We are their enemy because their…