Sorting and Serving

September 19, 2021
Jesus is teaching his faithful, expanding their spiritual horizons to take in what he’s been telling them, but it’s tough.  There’s a lot of distraction and a lot of resistance. …
          Ours is a fellowship of confession.  Fellowship begins with Christ.  The Greek word we translate as fellowship is koinonia, which could also be translated as participation, communion.  We have…

Can We Just Skip That Part?

August 18, 2019
Fire? Division, not peace? Hypocrites? Why does Jesus have to say such things? I mean, I suppose I could just skip all those things he says like what we just…

Hope for a Good Conscience

November 4, 2018
My last year at seminary, one of the theology professors taught a course called something like “Theories of the Atonement.”  Over centuries, theologians have presented different explanations regarding the atonement,…