Loving the Unlovable

September 6, 2020
Debt is one of those things you get into that you can’t wait to get out of, like a bad job, unprofitable work.  Oh, how happy Devon and I were…
Do you want to laugh?  Do you want to cry?  Maybe both?  If you have come to this Presbyterian church from another expression of Christian faith, you probably have figured…

Seeds of Life

June 7, 2020
George Floyd should not have died in police custody.  Businesses, homes, and lives should not be burned to the ground.  But there’s no building without tearing down, no creating without…
Sometimes, to go forward, we have to go back.  The first steps on the long journey to the cross, the tomb, and Easter take Jesus and us into the wilderness. …

Promise and Proof

January 5, 2020
Jesus is the proof that God keeps His promises. He keeps His promises not because of us but despite us. That probably doesn’t do a lot for our egos. God’s…