All the Difference

September 11, 2022
I wish they had been walking by a field, maybe at sowing time.  As it is, “they were walking along the road” (9:57).  It’s a dirt road.  The road is…

Foundation and Pillars

August 7, 2022
Those ancient builders in Greece and Rome really knew what they were doing.  No, the roofs are no longer there, but the foundations remain, and many pillars.  Lots and lots…
Last Sunday, I spoke of Paul’s instruction to Timothy about prayer in the church.  Christians pray for everybody.  We pray for everyone not only because everyone stands in need of…
As long as I can remember, I have loved churches.  Partly, it’s the architecture—especially of the older churches; more, though, it’s the atmosphere, the feel.  My sister would say the…
          I’ve spoken of purification, obedience, and rejecting the world.  We reject the world when we say Yes to Christ and No to the panorama of alluring sins in vogue…

Faith in the Truth

November 10, 2019
Well, okay . . . so that’s a lot. Scholars regard Paul’s two letters to the believers in Thessalonika as his earliest. The church there was concerned about the end,…
Some of you may know Lou Reed’s song “Perfect Day.”  At one point in the song, he repeats, four times—as if it’s a part of the song he wants us…