When I began attending church twenty-two years ago, I’m not sure I knew what I was expecting.  I just had this inner sense—whispering, nudging—that God wanted me to go to…

Keep Your Appointment

November 12, 2023
“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven” (7:21).  That hurts.  Does that mean that you can believe you’re being a faithful follower all your…

The Purpose of Prayer

September 24, 2023
Jesus has been telling those who want to be his followers about the sort of life they are to live.  He has been telling them about the disposition of the…

Life without Judgment

August 13, 2023
“Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness.”  Well, I don’t know of anybody being persecuted for unrighteousness.  In Calgary, Alberta, there are some three thousand people living on…

Christ For You

December 4, 2022
There was a man who never knew his grandfather.  Many years before, this grandfather, knowing his grandson would barely remember him, wrote a letter.  He tried to tell his newborn…

Serving Well

July 31, 2022
elder          When Paul was writing, there were no church buildings, only home churches.  Let’s all meet at my house next Sunday!  Well, we’d be squeezed in,…

Hearing Is Believing

February 27, 2022
Not even Abraham long before had seen and spoken with God face to face.  We might point to the three mysterious visitors to whom Abraham offers welcome and hospitality, but…

Know My Name

December 26, 2021
“My people will know my name” (52:6).  Did they not know His name?  What is God’s name?  God?  Jehovah?  Just to be clear, it isn’t Jehovah.  Jesus?  Yes, His name…

Preparing Ourselves

December 2, 2018
We are preparing ourselves for the days.  Being prepared is not a matter of externals.  Do you have your jumper cables in your trunk?  How about flares?  Anybody keep flares…