The Work of Reconciliation

September 3, 2023
People were just floored by how Jesus spoke and taught.  “[H]e taught as one who had authority, and not as their teachers of the law” (Mk 7:29).  The rabbis said,…
On this day, we specially remember Jesus making his triumphal entry into Jerusalem, that God’s Word might be fulfilled.  Today, we also conclude our time with Jonah.  Jesus was asked…
Last Sunday, I spoke of Paul’s instruction to Timothy about prayer in the church.  Christians pray for everybody.  We pray for everyone not only because everyone stands in need of…

The Worst of Sinners

July 3, 2022
The Word of God stands, complete.  We don’t quite know what to do with it, though.  We know the Old Testament is part of the Bible.  We don’t quite know…

The Limit of Our Giving

February 20, 2022
We’re all just doing the best we can, day by day, though that’s not all that Christians are doing.  We’re doing that, too, but we’re also learning to do something…

Through It All

August 16, 2020
          Thirteen years is a long time.  Two or more of those years in prison: that’s a long time, too.  A long time to let resentment grow, to be reshaped…

Seeds of Life

June 7, 2020
George Floyd should not have died in police custody.  Businesses, homes, and lives should not be burned to the ground.  But there’s no building without tearing down, no creating without…