The Purpose of Prayer

September 24, 2023
Jesus has been telling those who want to be his followers about the sort of life they are to live.  He has been telling them about the disposition of the…

Who Is Your God?

February 26, 2023
People ask Jesus for a sign, so they can know it’s all true, all real, so they can know Jesus truly is reliable and is who they think he may…
Over these weeks taking us to Pentecost, as I’m reading the Acts of the Apostles, I’m considering Thom Rainer’s insights regarding a noticeable decline in evangelism.  Acts is like our…
We make progress in love together in Christ.  When love is returned in kind, the obligation of love is not burdensome.  Where love is not returned, any thought of obligation…
          Ours is a fellowship of confession.  Fellowship begins with Christ.  The Greek word we translate as fellowship is koinonia, which could also be translated as participation, communion.  We have…
A little while back, LaFonda Chenault shared a Facebook post about piñatas; the humor in it was that, yeah, just about now we all feel like beating something and then…

A Way That Seems Right

July 28, 2019
Christians have a talent for reshaping the Gospel.  Paul warns against this.  The reshaping is always the result of good intentions.  Christians worry about the growth of the Church, which…

“Who Am I, to Judge?”

February 24, 2019
Love your enemies.  Jesus phrases the matter strongly to make a strong point, a holy point.  Enemies oppose us because of what we believe.  We are their enemy because their…

Be a Hold Out

November 18, 2018
It would have been hard not to be impressed by the temple Herod built in Jerusalem.  It was built to impress.  Some of you have had the opportunity to travel…