The Light of Invincible Life

February 11, 2024
I’ve been trying to take Mark’s account—what Peter told Mark—in order this year.  Today, with our forty-day walk to Easter about to begin, I’m jumping ahead.  Today is Transfiguration Sunday. …

The Gift of Light

February 19, 2023
On this day of mystery and glory Christ turns his face toward Jerusalem and all that will happen to him, there.  From Paul, we turn to listen to Peter.  Paul…

Hearing Is Believing

February 27, 2022
Not even Abraham long before had seen and spoken with God face to face.  We might point to the three mysterious visitors to whom Abraham offers welcome and hospitality, but…

Light in the Darkness

February 14, 2021
          The power of darkness is fear.  There is fear in the darkness, fear of the dark.  Children want the nightlight.  I’m liking the flashlight on my cell phone.  There…

Glory, Cross

March 3, 2019
Christ came to proclaim, to call.  He came to assure whom he called.  We aren’t living for ourselves, anymore.  We’re living for Jesus: we live for him by seeing ourselves…