Apart from knowing Jesus Christ, a good wife is probably the greatest blessing a man can have. A wife is far more than a partner. We already have a word…
John the Baptist, or Elijah, or one of the prophets—that’s pretty good company. Have you ever asked someone who he or she thinks Jesus is? That could lead to some…
Well, nobody likes to be called a dog. We tend to be very attached to our pets, yet no one likes to be called a dog. When will Jesus say…
So much of Jesus’ time is taken up with disputes, disagreements, arguments, differing interpretations. People seem to interpret God’s Word in such a variety of ways. Frequently, these differences provide…
There are places in the Bible where I read and say, “no, no, that’s too much!” Too hard. I feel like closing the book, right there; I don’t want to…
Have you ever eaten something, only to think to yourself, shortly afterwards, “I shouldn’t have had that”? I vividly remember some tamales in Dallas, once. Has it occurred to you…
Moses, Buddha, Mohammed—each pointed to a way, a way of living, an ethical system. A way of life. Jesus does not come for that. Jesus doesn’t give us a way…
To be in the presence of Jesus is to be in the presence of salvation. We celebrate the Lord’s Supper on the first Sunday. There is no special reason why. …
This week, we get another perspective on part of what I read and preached on last Sunday. Then, we heard from St. Mark, a later companion of Peter. Scholars are…
As Mark tells it, crowds are gathering even before Jesus arrives. People are gathering, expectantly, eagerly, excitedly, because they hear that Jesus is going to be there. I hope we…