For Children

Families at Bethel have children from pre-school to new college graduate (and beyond).  Sunday morning, we offer a volunteer-staffed nursery for infants through preschoolers.

Every Sunday, our children help to begin our worship, as they light our candles (a symbol of the presence of God’s light, the Holy Spirit).  During worship, the children gather with the pastor for a message for them.

We offer two Sunday School classes: one for K to 3rd grade, the other for those in 4th through 6th/7th.

Children at Bethel get hands-on with packing Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes and gift bags.

Every June, we offer a week of Vacation Bible School, open to all children in our communities.  VBS wraps up with a day of fun, with a water slide and pizza.  The Sunday after VBS, the children share in worship what they learned and did.

And it just wouldn’t be a church Christmas without a children’s program!