Witnesses to the World

April 16, 2023
The world seemed awfully vast and rather hostile to those eleven men on their way to Galilee.  What did Jesus want to say to them there?  What did he want…

Go and See

April 9, 2023
“After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb” (28:1).  They walk to the tomb as…

The Power of Obedience

April 7, 2023
There in the house of Annas, Jesus is being questioned, not for the first time.  People question Jesus all the time, even in our times—maybe especially in our times of…

Broken and Restored

April 6, 2023
This day is full with some of the fullest events of the New Testament.  Do we really need to bother with the Old Testament today?  Jesus is the New Testament! …
On this day, we specially remember Jesus making his triumphal entry into Jerusalem, that God’s Word might be fulfilled.  Today, we also conclude our time with Jonah.  Jesus was asked…
“When God saw what they did and how they turned from their evil ways, he relented and did not bring on them the destruction he had threatened” (3:10).  Hallelujah!  That’s what God has…


March 19, 2023
Jonah has had a transforming experience.  He had been living his faith his way.  Look where it got him.  God wasn’t interested in making Jonah sorry, though; God is interested…

Yes, I Will

March 12, 2023
I was astounded that Gepetto, Figaro, and Cleo could survive inside the whale.  It was awfully spacious in there, though.  If you were in church nursery about the time I…