There was a time when the Sabbath meant something.  Now it means pretty much what every other day means: busy, busy, places to go, things to do—cram everything in and…

Who Has Seen the Wind?

May 27, 2018
Today, we especially take time to consider God in Trinity.  Today is Trinity Sunday, if we choose to observe it.  Ours is a Trinitarian, not a Unitarian faith.  We believe…

Truth and Consequences

May 20, 2018
Pentecost is a day of power.  Every Sunday should be a day of power.  Indeed—every day that we live in Christ Jesus should be a day of power, can be…
Chosen for Love, Loved for Love—Jn 15:9-17 A couple of Sundays back, I shared one biblical scholar’s view of what made Christianity unique on this side of eternity, what helped…

Spirit-Guided Encounters

April 29, 2018
Spirit-Guided Encounters—Ac 8:26-40 How would you explain the Bible to someone?  There is much in the Bible that is wonderful, a delight to share.  There are other things that are…

Lame Beggars

April 15, 2018
Lame Beggars—Ac 3:11-19 Peter and John, still in Jerusalem after the Resurrection, go to the Temple.  They are being watched, certainly—all the key disciples are.  Why are Peter and John…
  All’s Well that Ends Well—Rom 15:7-13 The Bible isn’t a tragedy.  It has its tragic moments, plenty of those!  The Bible is a comedy.  That doesn’t mean the Bible…
When You Follow, You Will See Him—Mk 16:1-8 We know the names of the three women.  We know their names because the earliest Christians knew these women.  They could ask…