He Came to Proclaim

January 27, 2019
The section headings that the translators gave these parts of Luke’s account are telling: “Jesus Begins His Work,” and “Jesus is Rejected.”  Here is an encapsulation of what we’ll be…

A Crown for the Lord

January 20, 2019
These words of Isaiah are a poem, a song, a prophecy of hope.  The hope is for Jerusalem; Jerusalem, here, is not simply a city, a spot on the map. …

Spirit and Fire

January 13, 2019
John didn’t look like a Messiah, didn’t act like a Messiah, but some thought that maybe he kind of spoke like a Messiah, so they wondered: Is John the Messiah? …

All That, in This

January 6, 2019
Wise men.  Scripture tells us they are (2:1, NRSV, ESV, RSV).  What made them wise?  What do we know about them?  We know they studied the stars.  Why?  I mean,…

Not Hard to Find

December 30, 2018
Some of you grew up in small towns, others in larger towns, maybe even cities.  There was a time when small towns would fill up on a Saturday night—lots of…

Delightful Grace

December 24, 2018
Many people do not know Jesus.  Many, even today, because they have not heard of him.  Many others because they do not care to know him.  They don’t see why…

Tidings of Comfort and Joy

December 23, 2018
Though you are small, I will bring forth great things from you (5:2).  This is what God is saying.  Encouragement for Bethlehem.  Encouragement for Bethel.  Words of encouragement for every…

A Way in the Wilderness

December 9, 2018
We hear this list of names at the beginning of this third chapter of Luke’s account, and we probably don’t think much about it.  There are so many lists of…

Preparing Ourselves

December 2, 2018
We are preparing ourselves for the days.  Being prepared is not a matter of externals.  Do you have your jumper cables in your trunk?  How about flares?  Anybody keep flares…

Ultimate, Final

November 25, 2018
Every so often, our Scripture reading brings us to Revelation.  We call it a book; it’s much closer to a vision, a dream.  Some think nothing of dreams; others believe…