A Costly Gift

April 7, 2019
Jesus and his disciples are celebrating, eating; it’s a joyful occasion: the one who brought life is with them.  Lazarus who was dead is alive, through Jesus.  Passover was near:…


March 31, 2019
For quite some time, Christians didn’t need to think very much about their faith and beliefs.  Yes, sure, society and culture were fallen, but in impersonal ways that didn’t touch…

An Example for Us

March 24, 2019
God sends the people He is setting free through the parted waters of the sea.  The Egyptians are in hot pursuit.  God sends the waters rushing back down upon the…
Don’t be afraid.  Is it that obvious?  Everyone is struggling with something.  Some hide it better than others, cover the tracks of their worries.  If God says this to Abram—he’s…

Our Story, Too

March 10, 2019
Over these next weeks, we are our way with Jesus to the Last Supper, the cross, and to the empty tomb beyond that cross.  Today, we hear about this ancient…

Glory, Cross

March 3, 2019
Christ came to proclaim, to call.  He came to assure whom he called.  We aren’t living for ourselves, anymore.  We’re living for Jesus: we live for him by seeing ourselves…

“Who Am I, to Judge?”

February 24, 2019
Love your enemies.  Jesus phrases the matter strongly to make a strong point, a holy point.  Enemies oppose us because of what we believe.  We are their enemy because their…

Highly Favored

February 17, 2019
All tried to touch him.  O, to touch Jesus!  I suppose a number of them did.  We’re told a lot about Jesus touching others, but we don’t hear as much…

Let Down Your Nets

February 10, 2019
[With thanks to Leslie Leyland Fields, and Chapter Four of her Crossing the Waters: Following Jesus through the Storms, the Fish, the Doubt, and the Seas (2016).] I don’t ordinarily…

On His Way

February 3, 2019
Those listening to Jesus “were all well impressed with him and marveled at the eloquent words that he spoke” (4:22).  So far, so good.  People often marvel at Jesus in…