It Is Finished

March 31, 2024
“[W]hen the sabbath was over” (16:1), the women bought what they needed to finish the unfinished burial rites.  They couldn’t finish!  The law made them unable to finish.  The traditional…
“What is truth?”  Oh, it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble.  In Jesus Christ, Superstar, what Pilate goes on to say has always stuck with me: “We all have truths! …

Power, Promise, People

March 28, 2024
“On the first day of the Festival of Unleavened Bread, when it was customary to sacrifice the Passover lamb, Jesus’ disciples asked him, ‘Where do you want us to go and…
There had to be a donkey to show the King was entering in.  Jesus knew what he was doing.  What he was doing wasn’t lost on people: wasn’t lost on…
The most inconvenient part of our faith isn’t having to gather here on Sundays or listen to me preach, tedious though that can be.  The most inconvenient part of our…

Rest in Christ

March 10, 2024
The Sabbath was God’s gift, God’s blessing for His people.  The one thing you do not do, then, is fail to honor and respect the gift.  That would dishonor the…

Now Is the Time to Feast

March 3, 2024
Something called intermittent fasting seems to be a thing.  There may be something to it.  Humans have been finding value in fasting, especially spiritual value, for a very long time. …
When I began attending church twenty-two years ago, I’m not sure I knew what I was expecting.  I just had this inner sense—whispering, nudging—that God wanted me to go to…

Doors Not Walls

February 18, 2024
No one gets to Jesus in just the same way.  Am I going to tell Jesus, “Lord, that’s not how I’d do it”?  If people bring someone to Jesus in…

The Problem of Listening

February 14, 2024
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.  Those are funeral words, graveside words, goodbye words.  I’ve baptized many, marking them with water.  Today, I mark you with ashes.  Nothing in Scripture…