Light in the Darkness

February 14, 2021
          The power of darkness is fear.  There is fear in the darkness, fear of the dark.  Children want the nightlight.  I’m liking the flashlight on my cell phone.  There…

Let’s Go

February 7, 2021
          Lord-willing, we have Jesus in our church.  I think we do.  My aim, my desire, is that we are always putting Jesus Christ front and center in this church:…
          Paul wants us to live with concern for the discipleship of others.  This is part of a larger discussion of the uses and abuses of freedom.  We have been…

Successful Faith

January 24, 2021
          It’s been two thousand years; the time is always short.  Our time is short.  We have less than we had; we don’t get more.  Instead of that being a…

Use, Don’t Abuse

January 17, 2021
          About all I remember of high school health class was sex education, trying to remember and write down what I ate in a week, and a film about a…

Ordinary Light

January 10, 2021
          God created.  There is so much wonder and joy, power and glory in those two words.  I have no way to unpack that here, today, in this hour, but…

Grace Out of His Fullness

January 3, 2021
          Who will receive him?  Who will welcome him in?  Go from our worship gathering today with the expectation of this question on your lips and in your heart.  We…

A Proclaiming Spirit

December 27, 2020
          Simeon and Anna are the closest thing Jesus has to grandparents, and what grandparents!  Both are at the Temple.  Though it was my parents who first took me to…

Ask Him In

December 24, 2020
He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him.          If you’re around my age—probably not the best way to begin—you may remember some of…